The submission of manuscripts must be done only through the Submission form, observing the IMPORTANT DATES.
Submit only PDF files.
There is no maximum limit of co-authors per paper and no limit of papers per author. Enter ALL co-authors on the manuscript submission form, so that the proceedings and program can be designed accordingly.
The manuscripts must be complete and submitted in up to 04 (four) pages, including
figures, tables, formulas and references, in PDF.
The formatting of the manuscript must strictly follow the rules contained in the templates below. Manuscripts outside the norms will be rejected. Special care is recommended in the elaboration of the Abstract.
The templates are available in the links below. DO NOT NUMBER THE PAGES.
The submitted manuscripts will be analyzed by an independent Technical-Scientific Committee, composed of professionals from all areas of interest. The main criteria for accepting the manuscript will be:
• Importance and originality of the subject;
• Relevance of the topic for the Symposium;
• Scientific rigor and data quality;
• Abstract and clarity of the text;
• Presentation quality; and,
• Formatting according to the templates.
Approved papaers may be presented in an Oral Technical Session or in a Poster Session, as indicated by the author and the Technical-Scientific Committee.
Note: Any form of plagiarism, intentional and fraudulent copying, or intellectual dishonesty, misrepresentation, crime of forgery, tampering, removal of the source or omission of identification of its creator, including the addition of a foreign author to the manuscript or alteration of the sequence of authors must be restrained, repressed and punished. The organization of XX SBSR will not be responsible in case of plagiarism, and the Author(s)/Co-author(s) will be responsible for the appropriate actions.