- Time series analysis of remote sensing data
- Acquaculture
- Wetlands
- Cartography and photogrammetry
- Data mining
- Forest degradation
- Education
- Forest and other vegetation
- Geology
- Geomorphology
- Geoprocessing and aplications
- Hydrology
- Meteorology and climatology
- Spatial modelling
- Environmental monitoring and modelling
- Land-use and land-cover change
- Climate change
- Oceanography
- Pollution
- Image processing
- Agricultural production and forecasting
- Health
- Remote sensing of inland water systems
- Microwave remote sensing
- Hyperspectral remote sensing
- Data telemetry
- Marine systems
- Coastal and near-shore marine systems
- Sensor systems
- Data systems, management and policy
- Soils and soil moisture
- Urbanization
- Water quality and use
- UAVs, videography and high resolution
- Space Technologies and Services
- Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation
- Biodiversity and Conservation
- Collaborative Mapping
- Burns and Forest Fires
- Sustainability and Environment